Mid-century Picture Windows

I can't wait to see foliage on the trees. It shouldn't be too long now. This is one of my favorites spots to sit in the house. The Danish chairs are very comfortable, and the view outside my mid-century home is awesome. As you can see, my cat Hughy also likes this spot! The large mid-century picture windows and elevation of the house on the hillside create a feeling of being in a treehouse.  It was love at first site when I saw this home and those windows. Many midcentury modern homes are desired for this reason, the floor-to-ceiling windows and the indoor/outdoor connection they offer the home dweller.  

These teak wood Danish chairs were a perfect fit for my great room. They were purchased at Riverside Antique Mall in Cincinnati, my favorite place to antique for midcentury finds. The seller had refinished them, so the wood is beautiful. I think they were a steal at $300 for both.. I replaced the original cushions with these that I found at HomeGoods which were the perfect size, and it was cheaper than making cushions myself or ordering them online from companies that make replacement cushions for Danish chairs.

If you are wanting to create a mid-century modern look in your home, Danish style chairs are a must have. If you cannot find any reasonable priced at through antique dealers, this new, mid-century modern style lounge chair on Amazon is an affordable option to create this look!

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